CNM was the only college for me

Gabriele Dargyte – Health Coach Graduate

I love working with people one on one and seeing their progress, that is what drives me and motivates me

What did you do before studying at CNM?

Before CNM I have worked as a model and music event organiser.

What made you want to become a Health Coach?

My whole life I was health conscious because of my mother’s input. But since I started modelling at 16 years old, my job has become to care for my body and mind. It took me many years till I realised that health is something I want to share with others as well and not to just keep it to myself. CNM was like a door to take that extra step:)

What attracted you to CNM’s Health Coach course?

CNM was the only college that matched my vision, values and what I really wanted to learn. Nothing less nothing more, It was exactly what I was looking for!

What did you enjoy most about the course?

I have enjoyed certain topics the most, like hormonal health, which has become my specialty now. I have loved the community of students and graduates on Facebook which always was so helpful. I loved that it included a lot of practice as well, even if I was studying online.

How has studying the Health Coach diploma changed your life?

Studying at CNM gave me confidence in my expertise, provided me with tools that I need to start my business but also the tools that I need to continue my education in different ways. This was essential in starting and believing I can start my business.

What are you doing now that you are qualified?

I am working on private coaching at the moment and building my brand. A lot still has to be done still, but step by step I’m getting to my goal! I named my business I DO HEALTH

What do you love about being a Health Coach?

I love working with people one on one and seeing their progress, that is what drives me and motivates me. Even if it is a tiny, tiny progress, I love that.

Got another question about health coach training? Here are some useful posts which may help or contact us directly.

How do I train to be a Health Coach?

What skills does a Health Coach need? 

How to get your Health Coach certification

Why is CNM’s Health Coach course unique?