The course was truly transformational

Becci Barnley – Health Coach

Studying at CNM not only transformed my health and personal life but has also been instrumental in transforming my approach to working with my clients.

Health coaching was the missing link in my practice

Before studying at CNM, my background encompassed a dynamic 20-year career in paediatric nursing, coupled with a role as a university lecturer. My journey involved inspiring future nurses, shaping innovation, research and curriculum. However, due to a shift in my own personal health and appreciating the transformative power of holistic therapies, I launched my own holistic therapy practice, fostering a community of clients who’ve benefited from my nurturing and empowering touch. My passion expanded my insight and drive to make an impactful change, advocating for health and therefore Health Coaching was the inevitable next step.

My health struggles profoundly shifted my perspective

Driven by my own health struggles – including stress, burnout, emotional eating, weight management issues and endometriosis – alongside a significant setback in 2022, my life took an unexpected turn. Following my reaction to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, I experienced an autoimmune response that impacted my heart, liver and lungs, resulting in myocarditis, heart arrhythmias and post-viral fatigue. Despite these formidable health hurdles, my resilience and determination propelled my recovery forward. This experience profoundly shifted my perspective on the fundamental aspects of health, inspiring me to delve deeper into the transformative potential of natural therapies

Cutting-edge education and a supportive community

CNM’s allure lay in its cutting-edge education, professional associations and industry-driving initiatives in health and wellness. The course experience bridged the gap between allopathic and naturopathic approaches, offering in-depth insights into nutrition and coaching strategies. The robust student community fostered invaluable support and connections, enriching the learning journey.

Transformed my life and my client’s lives

Studying at CNM proved instrumental in catalysing transformative shifts not only in my personal life but also in my approach to nurturing and empowering clients. Today, I run my own practice, working closely with clients in a 1:1 capacity, complemented by holistic therapies. I have a podcast and blog, and will shortly be running online courses and business workshops. I also do consultancy work in lecturing, championing change in health and nursing education.

You won’t regret studying health coaching

What drives my passion in practice is witnessing the empowerment and transformation of my clients’ health journeys. It’s an honour and privilege to play a role in their pursuit of wellness. To anyone contemplating a career into natural therapies, my advice is do it! Regardless of whether you’re embarking on your own personal health journey or seeking to make a meaningful change in your professional life, the insights gleaned from studying natural therapies hold the power to profoundly transform your life.

How do I train to be a Health Coach?

What skills does a Health Coach need? 

How to get your Health Coach certification

Why is CNM’s Health Coach course unique?