Watching your client’s progress

Mariko Broome – Health Coach
The best thing about being a Health coach is to be able to guide and support others. I want to be their cheerleader, the one who empowers them to make the most of their health, wellbeing and ultimately their life.
What did you do before studying at CNM?
Before Covid I was a professional portrait photographer. During Covid I decided to become a keyworker and worked as a Care Worker in my local care home. Whilst I worked as a Care Worker I completed my Care Certificate – something I had never imagined doing! I think the time working as a Care Worker validated my feelings of wanting to help others.
What made you want to become a Health Coach?
I have had an interest in health and wellbing since my late teens. When my first child was born (2006), I became increasingly interested in things like minismising the toxic load at home and offering him the healthiest up bringing I could.
At the begining of 2022 I started to look for courses in holistic health as I wanted to retrain. When I came across the Health Coach Diploma I thought that it was an ideal opportunity to make my life learnings and experiences ‘official’. I didn’t even know Health Coaches existed before that!
What attracted you to CNM’s Health Coach course?
The CNM Health Coach course was appealing to me for two main reasons. I had previous experience with CNM as a case study for a previous student and had been impressed. The other reason was because it was the only Health Coach course which was accredited by the NHS Personalised Care Institute.
What did you enjoy most about the course?
I genuinely enjoyed everything about the course – from the course content, online lectures to our intakes WhatsApp group. Everyone has been very giving with their knowledge and experiences and the whole experience has felt very nurturing.
How has studying the Health Coach diploma changed your life?
I think the biggest thing for me personally is completing the qualification as it put a ‘stamp’ on my learnings. I feel like I have the qualification to vaidate my adivce and opinons. In the long term my plan would be to be able to work from anywhere in the world.
What are you doing now that you are qualified?
I am currently setting up my business. I have started my social media and networking to start promoting my services. My website will be ready to launch shortly.
What do you love about being a Health Coach?
The best thing about being a Health coach is to be able to guide and support others. I want to be their cheerleader, the one who empowers them to make the most of their health, wellbeing and ultimately their life. Because it’s easy to get knocked down, feel alone and overwhelmed. The best reward is watching your clients progress.
Got another question about health coach training? Here are some useful posts which may help or contact us directly.
How do I train to be a Health Coach?
What skills does a Health Coach need?